As we head into spring, we can (hopefully) leave winter coughs and colds behind, but there’s an even more potentially harmful culprit waiting in the wings as the weather warms up – and it’s hidden in your carpets and fabrics. Is it time to consider carpet cleaning?

You may think your carpets are clean, but nesting in the fabric of carpets, chairs and any other soft furnishings around the typical office environment, dust mites thrive in warm conditions. As these pests multiply, dust mite allergy sufferers will experience symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing and eczema. And allergy to dust mites is more common than you might realise, with an estimated 12 million sufferers in the UK – that’s one in five people.

Whilst thorough vacuuming cleans some of the 1,000 allergen waste particles a single dust mite produces, it’s near impossible to maintain removal of all allergens. With a gram of dust containing as many as 1,000 dust mites and 250,000 allergenic dust mite faecal pellets, you’ll need professional carpet cleaning to help to manage the problem.

Cambridge-based cleaning contractor Atkins Gregory has extensive experience in the industry and a well-established reputation for delivering a high standard of cleaning services to both those in the private and public sector. Experts in deep cleaning, Atkins Gregory has a large team of experienced commercial cleaners, working with specialist equipment to ensure the highest standards of cleaning with minimal disruption to your operations.

Atkins Gregory Managing Director, Simon Biggs explains, “A deep clean isn’t just about aesthetics. There were 64 million sick days due to allergies in the UK last year, costing businesses an estimated £6 billion. Reducing allergens in the workplace is a shrewd investment in employee welfare and productivity. Domestic vacuum and carpet cleaners simply clean the surface, whereas Atkins Gregory’s powerful commercial equipment is designed to deep clean and ensures dust, dirt and mites are eliminated. Spring is a great time to book a deep clean, with the added benefit of a sparkling clean workplace.”

Atkins Gregory serves a variety of clients across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. For more information regarding a deep clean for your office space, carpet cleaning, window cleaning or specialist cleaning services call 01223 438118 or visit