Air Quality Whilst this Harvard study shows that improving air quality improves mental cognition when we think about air quality affecting our health we tend to think of air conditioning systems spreading germs. On the whole, if air conditioning filters are maintained and cleaned regularly, they are less likely to contribute to the spreading of disease. Access to fresh air through natural means, e.g. an open window, isn’t just cheaper and better for the environment, many workers find it calming and morale-boosting.
If you have air conditioning in your office, check that it is included in the cleaning schedule and regularly maintained.
Cleaning If you want to keep germs at bay then it is imperative that you are proactive in your approach to cleaning. Disinfecting shared equipment and fixtures such as computer keyboards, telephones, door handles, worktops, and kitchen appliances on a regular basis is as imperative as an effective washroom cleaning schedule if you want to minimise the risk of infection.
Go the Extra Mile Regular contract cleaning should always be supported by a deep cleaning schedule. How often will be dependent on many factors, including the type of business, footfall of premises, and style of fixtures and fittings.
Incidentally, when it comes to window cleaning, do not underestimate the proven positive effects natural light has on mental wellbeing.
Promote Personal Hygiene There’s a lot you can do to keep your workplace free from germs, but ultimately your staff themselves are in the best place to protect themselves. Encourage them to tackle those unhygienic workplace habits and watch your sickness rates plummet!
If you are looking to reduce hygiene related staff sickness absences and need some help to improve the cleanliness of your business premises, contact us for more details of our contract cleaning services and one-off deep cleans.